Life of a systematist, nomad, and double Ph.D (or a look into the mind of someone who is questionably sane).

26 March 2020

1116 ANSP ornithology zoom on lunch
2059 Cleaning up after beer, brauts, and baseball on the porch while watching yankees/red sox
2159 yankees/red sox while eating ice cream sundaes
2337 reading Tongues of Serpants

Fact: George Lucas thought Close Encounters with the Third Kind would be a bigger hit than Star Wars so he traded 2.5% of Star Wars profit to Steven Spielberg if he got 2.5% of the profits from Close Encounters.  I'd say that paid off pretty well for Spielberg

Food:  PB&J for lunch, brauts and mashed potatoes for dinner

Woke up just in time for the zoom lunch with ANSP.  Almost the entire dept was there so that was a good time.  We had fun playing with the backgrounds.  Mine wasn't working until i moved to an ll white background, but I couldnt use the standard ones.  so i imported a pic from the prep lab.  Dr. Pete then took it a step further and made his looking toward the window of the prep lab with the angles looking reasonable whereas mine was a pic looking at the table from above.  Finished up the timing of the transitions for my veg lecture and then listened to it all the way through.  I answered some student emails then we went for a walk.  Did a bit of work on the Accipiter assemblies then it was time to grill our brauts.  A bit chilly out while we ate but not bad with proper outerwear.  Favorite yankee his his 100th homer- a grand slam to beat the sox is about as good as it gets

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